Big losses in battle against Saasveldia

Last Saturday, we faced off against the mighty Saasveldia Heren 1, who are sitting pretty at the top of the leaderboard. Even though we had a couple of players from other teams helping us out, it was still a tough match.

The scoreboard wasn't kind to us, with Saasveldia taking four straight sets, 12-25, 10-25, 13-25, and 19-25. However, there's a silver lining here. We're learning and improving with every game, and that's what keeps us motivated.

Our next showdown is on Friday, October 13th, against Webton Hengelo Heren 4. We're feeling good about this one and believe it could be our first win. Stay tuned, the best is yet to come!

Against Saasveldia, we did try,

But victory seemed to say goodbye.

Scores 12, 10, 13, 19,

Our efforts left us quite lean,

We’ll blame it on the net too high.

Wedstrijd info

Thuis team Heren 7
Gast team Saasveldia Heren 1
Datum 07-10-2023 15:00
Type Reguliere wedstrijd
Locatie Universitair Sportcentrum
Drienerlolaan 5
7522NB Enschede
Uitslag 0 - 4
Sets 12-25, 10-25, 13-25, 19-25